Part 1
A meeting was held on April 15, 1957 to discuss the forming of an auxiliary. Sister Poliquin who had come from Fort Francis to oversee the building of the new hospital explained the necessity and usefulness of an auxiliary. Sister Superior Regina Trottier also attended the meeting.
The first formal meeting was held on May 8, 1957. Mrs. Regina Gendreau was elected president, Mrs. Germaine Pineau, 1st Vice-President, Mrs. Betty Proulx, 2nd Vice-President and Delphine Desroches, Secretary-Treasurer.
Our official name was Ladies Hospital Auxiliary. When the Dr. Gendreau Memorial Care Home was built we changed our name to the Ste Rose Health Auxiliary.
The first major fund raising was a raffled crocheted centerpiece and the tea at the official opening of the new hospital. Total receipts were $195.85. Members of the auxiliary helped with the official opening on July 4th, 1957. Since that time a total of $58,237.64 has been given to the hospital to buy equipment and other enhancements for the benefit of both patients and staff. This included IV infusion pumps, recliner chairs, renovations to the chapel, entertainment center for the long stay patients, TV cable installation, several TV's, heart monitor, various equipment for the operating room and the hospital sign at the entrance to the grounds.
Part 2
Ste Rose Band (Henri Fouchard Director)
During the first years, Ste Rose expanded rapidly due to the influx of more immigrants among whom were the Fouchard brothers, the Baron Octave de la rue du Can, the Viscount de Lacochere, Achille de Montbel, the Count Yves de la Fonchais, Francois LeGall and Augustin Pineau.
Louis Fouchard from Clamecy (Nievre) arrived in 1889 and went into agriculture before opening a hardware store.Two years later his mother and brother came to join him. The widow Fouchard (Nee Antoinette Thevenet) died in Ste Rose in 1912. She was a sister to a division general Frederic Thevenet, commander in the Legion d'honneur and of Louis Thevenet, lawyer, also a distinguished member of the Legion d'honneur.
Members of the first band were: Charles Angot, Jean Audic, Emile Bedu, Joseph and Martien Hamelin, Edouard Lahaie, R. Laplanche, Francois LeGall, Raymond Lussier, Jules Lecomte, Georges Jeannotte, Joseph Molgat, Duhamel Neault, Alex, Isidore and Raphael Pinvidic, Salomon Ramsay, Xavier Ritchot, Emile, Richard and James Robinson, John Shannon, Henri Fouchard (Director).
Part 3
In 1914 at the beginning of World War I, was the opening of the first bank in Ste Rose. It was the Northern Crown Bank, the first bank Manager was Mr. Joseph Valcourt and the first tellers were Mr. Thomas Baril and Mr Joseph Allard. This bank was amalgamated to the Royal Bank in 1918. Also in 1918 the Union Bank opened a branch in Ste Rose with a Mr. H A Johnson as manager. It closed its doors in 1920. In 1919 the Bank of Commerce opened its doors with Mr. Downing Bourassa as head, and for a while Ste Rose boasted of three banks competing for the people's business. Wasn't that a bit much? Then in 1922 the Bank of Commerce closed its doors leaving Ste Rose with the Royal Bank which is still serving the community after these long years.
Part 4
La Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose Submitted by GisèleL'Heureux.
Assemblée des directeurs de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac, à la Salle Municipale, le 1er Octobre 1942.
Le 1er Octobre 1942, les directeurs de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac, se sont réunis pour faire une application au Secrétaire Provincial pour obtenir une charte de Caisse Populaire.
Etaient présents, MM. E. Adam, W. Proulx, J. P. Maquet, J. Delveaux, L. Molgat, A. Pineau, L. Pinette, C. Calvi. G. Gendreau et le Rév. P. J. Magnan. Tous les membres présents ont signé l'application, puis le président déclara la séance close.
E. L. Adam, Président
J. Delveaux, Secrétaire
Assemblée générale des membres de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac, à la salle paroissiale, le 16 Novembre 1942.
Le 16 Novembre 1942, eut lieu l'ouverture officielle de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac. M. Eugène Adam présidait la réunion. Il souhaita la bienvenui à toutes les personnes présentes en particulier à M. l'abbé Adélard Couture organisateur des Caisse Populaires de la Province et l'invita à prendre la parole.
M. Couture expliqua à l'assemblée la nature, les buts et le fonctionnement d'une Caisse Populaire, et répondit aux questions qui lui furent posées. Puis, on préceda à l'élection des différents comités. Vu l'heure avancée il fut proposé par M. A. Langevin, secondé par M. L. Pineau que les membres de trois comités tels que constitués précédemment soient maintenus dans leur charge. Cette proposition fut acceptée par tous les membres présents à l'assemblée.
Les comités furent ainsi constitués:
Comité de direction: le R. P. J. Magnan, MM. E. Adam, L. Molgat, J. P. Maquet et J. Delveaux.
Comité de crédit: MM. A. Pineau, W. Proulx et L. Pinette.
Comité de surveillance: MM. C. Calvi, G. Gendreau et F. Granger.
Puis les comités de direction et de crédit élurent leur président respectif. Proposé par M.L. Molgat et appuyé par M.J. Delveaux que M. E. Adam soit président du comité de direction. Adopté. Proposé par M.W. Proulx et appuyé par M.L. Pinette que M.A. Pineau soit président du comité de crédit. Adopté.
Un membre du comité de surveillance était absent, l'élection du président de ce comité est remise à plus tard. Puis M. le Président déclara la séance terminée.
E. L. Adam, Président
J. Delveaux, Sécretaire
Assemblée des directeurs de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac, à la Salle Municipale, le 9 Decembre 1942.
Etaient présents, le R.P.J. Magnan, MM. E. Adam, L. Molgat, G. Gendreau, J. P. Maquet, A. Pineau, L. Pinette et J. Delveaux.
Proposé par L. Molgat, appuyé par L. Pinette, que le Rev. P. J. Magnan soit élue vice Président. Adopté.
Proposé par A. Pineau, appuyé par G. Gendreau, pour pouvoir emprunter à la Caisse, il faut; Primo: avoir une part payée en entier. Seconds: être membre de la Caisse au moins depuis deux mois. Adopté.
Il a été décidé que la réunion mensuel aura lieu le premier mercredi de chaque mois à 8:00pm commencant avec février.
Proposé par G. Gendreau, appuyé par A. Pineau, que la limite de nombre de part soit 25. Adopté.
Proposé par J. P. Maquet, appuyé par L. Molgat, que l'intérêt payé sur les dépôts soit un et demi pour cent et l'intérêt sur les emprunts soit sept pour cent. Adopté.
Il a été decidé qu'il faudrait au moin 3 directeurs pour faire un quorum à une assemblée de directeurs, et au moins 2 membres pour les comités de surveillance et de crédit.
Proposé par Rev. J. Magnan, appuyé par L. Pinette, que Joseph Delveaux soit désigné gérant de la Caisse. Adopté.
Proposé par L. Molgat, appuyé par Rév. J. Magnan, que la séance soit levée. Adopté.
Eugene L. Adam, Président
J. Delveaux, Secrétaire
Ce fut le commencement de la Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac et les procès verbaux de leurs premières assemblées.
Eugène Adam, 1942-57
August Pinette, 1957-67
André Guillas, 1967-77
Alain LeGall, 1977-79
Joseph Bouchard, 1979-81
Wilfred Bouchard, 1981-84
Alain Bouchard 1984-85
Albert Mongrain, 1985-88
Armand Verhaeghe, 1988---
-- tous les directeurs:
Joseph Delveaux, 1942-48
Walter Pawney, 1949
Henri Michaud, 1949-55
Robert Poulin, 1955
Emile Lépine, 1955-69
Maurice Saive, 1969-70
Gustave Verhaeghe, 1970-75
Ronald Vandenbosch, 1975-79
Antonio Deslauriers, 1980-83
Gisèle L'Heureux, 1983-84
Roland Gagné, 1984-86
Gilbert Dion, 1986 - présent
1) At the Municipal Office
2) Molgat's Store
3) Michaud's Store
4) Emile Lepine's Residence
5) In 1963, lot now occupied by Dauphin Co-op
6) In 1968 to present, lot 1 on Central Avenue, in Ste Rose
In 1979, the existing building was extended at the back and in 1986, the main reception and working area was renovated.
In 1978, a counter was opened for Monday morning Caisse Populaire service at Eddystone in the Eddystone Supply Store owned by Philip and Rosemary Thorkelson. This service was terminated in 1983 when the employees' safety was in jeopardy and the possibility of a robbery became a real concern.
Until the year 1963, members could only make deposits and withdrawals by appearing in person at La Caisse Populaire. Then, the cheque clearing system was implemented and office hours became regular, Monday through Friday, from 10:00am to 3:00pm.
As of August 31, 1951, nearly nine years after it started, La Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac had 172 members and $15,346.46 in assets. There were 19 personal loans to members for a total balance of $10,616.98.
In 1971 after the merger with La Caisse Populaire de Ste Amelie, there were 863 members, $466,515.71 in assets, 199 loans with a total balance of $352,996.30.
As of September 30, 1987, La Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac had 1382 members, and $9,669,477 in assets. A far cry from the 25 members it started out with in 1944!
The following is a list of people who have given ten years or more of service to the Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose, including the Caisse Populaire of Ste Amelie before amalgamation took place.
Antoine Van de Poele, Andre Pinette
Fred Pinette, George Verhaeghe
Gerard Verhaeghe, Ludger Soucy
Gustave Verhaeghe, Lucien Archambault
Helene Van de Poele, Andre Guillas
Israel Pelletier, Alain LeGall
Paul Martin, Florent Lecomte
Robert Desroches, J B Maquet
Albert Mongrain, Emile Lepine
Guy Guillas, Austin Tucker
Maurice Valcourt, Eva Bourbonniere
J L Brunel, Gordon Bishop
Normand Plamondon, Leon Bouchard
P Paquette, Eugene Adam
August Brunel, R C Tucker
August Pineau, Lionel Pinette
Jean Roche, Bibiane Wilson
Betty Chaput, Debbie Ingelbeen
Gisele L'Heureux
This list is in no particular order, the years vary from 10 all the way to 33 years.
In 1987, at a special 50th anniversary celebration of the Caisse Populaires in Manitoba, the following board and committee members were honored for 25 years or more of service to La Caisse Populaire de Ste Rose du Lac and Ste Amelie.
Jean-Louis Brunel, 34 years
Emile Lepine, 25 years
Andre Pinette, 25 years
Ludger Soucy, 29 years
George Verhaeghe, 32 years
Gerard Verhaeghe, 36 years
Gustave Verhaeghe, 31 years
Part 5
On two or three different occasions, the question of electrification of the area arose in Ste Rose. Around 1910 Mr. Firmin Hamelin using a steam engine tried, then again in 1920 the Tucker Garage using gas engines and other equipment also gave it a try. These two sold electricity at 25 cents to 30 cents a kilowatt and before long their efforts failed. And so it was that in 1935, the local Chamber of Commerce, studied again the problem of electricity for the Village. Mr. Paul Prince electrical engineer from St Boniface was consulted and he came with number and facts to prove the feasibility and economy of an electrical energy station for Ste Rose.
The Village Council decided they wouldn't get involved in such a project. But a few businessmen didn't give up on the idea and in the spring they again went to see Mr. Prince. The project was studied once more and agreed upon that it was viable.
In July 1935 the group, Prince & Company was formed and under the direction of electrical engineer Paul Prince, the construction of transmission lines and the installation of a Central energy plant went ahead full speed. The motor used was a diesel of English make, ""Paxman Ricardo"" 110 volts with alternative current. In October installation was completed and the Village finally had electricity!
Then in September 1941, electrification of the Village of Ste Rose by the Manitoba Power Commission became a reality. In 1942, World War II brought about shortage of hired help for farmers and they were finding it hard to handle their work single-handedly. They presented a petition to Manitoba Power Commission demanding electricity. The Manitoba Electrification Inquiry Commission was formed in 1942 to investigate the feasibility of a post war program of rural electrification. It recommended that a farm program be designed to ultimately service 90% of all Manitoba farms (within a practical service area) be undertaken on a group or area basis. The plan was put into operation immediately after the war in 1945, and the Ste Rose rural area with others in Manitoba soon became regular users of electricity. Electrification was a step forward to modern lighting, heating and generally making things easier for the people.
Part 6

In 1908 ""The Manitoba Telephone System"" had installed a toll office in ""Mr. Henri Houde's"" store; he was their agent until 1912 when the office was moved to Mr. Emile Langevin's. It was then that Miss Eva Houde became the agent for the Telephone System until her death in 1936.
In 1920 the ""Manitoba Telephone System"" took over the ""Ste Rose Telephone Company"". New phone lines were then installed and there were now 46 clients listed. The central remained at Mr. Emile Langevins.
Over the years, the improvement to the telephone service has been gradual and in the years following World War II 1939-45 has seen the telephone become an integral part of our lives. Do you remember those monstrous phone boxes on the wall? And the party lines with up to 12 households on one line! No one could have a private call in those days. But these are things of the past, and endless are the services rendered for us by MTS these days! Even though a person is in another continent, contact can be made in minutes at very little cost.
We are now promised private lines across rural Manitoba within the next five years.
Part 7
The official opening of the Ste Rose Regional Library was held June 3, 1962 at 2:30pm.
Before the Library could open; much ground work had taken place. This idea was brought forth by the Ste Rose Catholic Women's League. Both the Village and Rural Municipalities were canvassed and petitions were signed. The petitions were presented to the two Councils by members of the Catholic Women League. Much credit goes to these members.
This is the first bilingual library in Manitoba. Honored guests attending the grand opening of the library were the Hon. Stuart McClean, Minister in charge of libraries, Mr. Gildas Molgat, MLA for Ste Rose, his Worship, August Pineau, Mayor of Ste Rose Village and his Honor the Reeve of the Rural Municipality of Ste Rose, Mr. Paul Delaurier. Miss K Morley and Miss C Combaz, Prov. Libraries, Mr. M Rossbrough and Mr. A G Vielfaure representatives of the National Film Board, English and French Films and Rev. Father Joseph Alarie, OMI. The three librarians, Mrs. Aimee McDonald of the Ste Rose Library, Mrs. Alma Bouchard of the Laurier Branch, and Mrs. Ed Soucy of the Ste Amelie Branch, Mrs. E Everall and Mr. Fred Mitchell, Dauphin Libraries and numerous other visitors from Dauphin, Laurier, Ste Rose and Ste Amelie were in attendance.
At the opening, Mr. Robert Klimchuk acted as chairperson. A presentation of two Bibles was made to the Library Board. Mr. Theodore Lueke on behalf of the Ste Rose Knights of Columbus, Council presented an English Bible and Mrs. Gaston Archambault on behalf of the Catholic Women's League presented a French Bible.
The location was in the old elementary school (Now known as the Maison Dollard House) and occupied three rooms in the basement, the adults reading room, the work area and the Library itself containing 2500 books 50% English and 50% French; and a few in German.
Over the years many people have given freely of their time and talents to helping out at the Library. The Following people acted as assistants to the librarian at different times over the years: Mrs. Marthe Arnal, Mrs. Agnes Vandenbosch, Mrs. Marie Vandepoele, Mrs. Marguerite B Maillard, Mrs. Debbie Bilodeau, Mrs. Karen Vandenbosch, Mrs. Lucille Lapointe and Miss Germaine Tardiff.
Over the years many changes have taken place. The location of the Library is in the same building it started out in, but is now upstairs in remodeled accommodations and with more room for the many more services offered by the Library, and the greater number of books it has accumulated.
The Library is funded by the Village and RM of Ste Rose, Provincial Grants and Career Start Programs, Library fees, fund raising events and last but not least donations of money and time.
On June 3rd, 1987 the Library celebrated 25 years of service to the Village of Ste Rose and surrounding areas. A come and go tea was held. It was well attended by many well wishers and previous staff and board members.
The Library is a very worthwhile addition to our community and has enriched all our lives by its existence.
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Former head librarians--Gertie Tucker and Marguerite Maillard
cutting the anniversary cake. |
Story hour on the occasion of the 25th anniversary. Mr. Andre Saquet, Reeve of the
Ste Rose Rural Municipality, reading to the children. Mrs. Agnes Vandenbosch and
Mrs. Rosanne Henson in the background. |